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This is the weekly general LFE EVerest call for all topics not covered by the working groups. 

Meeting Notes:

30 April 2024

1. Development Updates: 

  • Tested PnC w/ OCPP 1.6J and 2.0.1 last week with Hubject and an Auto OEM
  • Fixes for PnC Cyphersuite selection to address Interop with Hyundai and VW vehicles for PnC

2. Community Update: 

  • Fabio Miranda from 7Gen new member intro. Based in Vancouver, CA. Will document what he learns in trying to integrate EVerest w/ CitrineOS.

16 April 2024

1. Development Updates: 

  • Support for configurable start&stop points in OCPP 2.0.1 config file, can be used and tested with EVerest SIL
    Update for OCMF in EVerest Core, to retrieve OCMF for Eichrecht from Power Meter.
  • Merged Error History module, with that global actions in the error framework are now available
  • Chris Davis from AFS submitted PR for libOCPP: → assigned to Marc Emmers for review

09 April 2024

1. EVerest news: 

  • EVerest March release on April 5th, 2024
  • PIONIX released Yocto layer for Yeti/Yak HW

2. Development Updates: 

02 April 2024

1. EVerest news: Upcoming Updated Contribution Guideline (will be published in Zulip)

2. Community Update: 
@Roger Bedell added rudimentary ISO 15118-20 ACDP support to evlibiso15118 in the branch evlibiso15118_with_ACD

It works with this branch of libiso15118 in the branch dash-20-poc-acdp that contains the EVSE side of ACDP. 

There is also a simple implementation of SDP for Wireless in both of these.

Still lacking is an ACDP module, PPD module, and an ISO15118-8 wifi module and interfacing these to libiso15118 and evlibiso15118.

Discussion: Rust or C++ for Roger's modules.Roger will connect with Holger offline to investigate using Rust

19 March 2024

  1. New member intros
    Tim Weisenberger and Oscar Marcia from SAE EVPKI initiative joined to introduce themselves.
    SAE executed EV PKI pre-competitive research project from 2020-2022 with several member companies
    -Contracted EONTI and DIGICERT as technical experts for implementation
    Project moved to SAE industry consortium group (506c entity under US law)
    Current members of consortium include: GM, Ford, Tesla,Rivian, Electrify America and Chargepoint
    PKI system is designed to be global, supports ISO15118-2 and -20
    Certificate policy was published in 12/2023 and is available for download:
    More details at:
    For questions contact Tim:
  2. EVerest feature freeze:
    EVerest 2024.3 feature freeze on - expected 2024-03-19
    Starting 2 weeks before the next release with TSC on 2024-03-28
    Branch off a release candidate branch of everest-core (and possibly some libraries depending on the activity)
    Focus a bit more than usual on testing and bugfixing on that branch for the next 2 weeks
    Merging of new features into main will not be affected by this
  3. evlibISO15118 by Roger Bedell:intended to be replacement for EV-side of JOSEV for ISO15118-20
    Was developed by Roger to test implementation of ACDP portion of -20
  4. IoT.Bzh shared
  5. Qwello merged support for ISKRA meters. Chargebyte had support for these meters in its close-source stack in the past.

12 March 2024

  • Shankari introduced Benny and Mayuresh from Idaho National Labs/ChargeX Consortium - working on OCPP Minimum Required Error Codes implementation:
  • ChargeX published Best Practices for EV charging payment systems:
  • New WG chair Janek Metzner (PIONIX), starting 2023-03-19
  • Proposal to delay WG by 30min starting 2023-03-19 approved
  • Discoussion around handling meter transactions:

    • we add signed meter value var to the powermeter
    • the start transaction will return quick, would't wait for real walues
    • we add optional start metr value, to sessionfinished event.
    • the start meter value will be stored in the evsemanager, and published on sessionfinished event
    • no changes to OCPP lib/module at the moment

Action Items:

  • Janek: Update meeting time.

5 March 2024

Discussed Eichrecht (German calibration law). Specificly wait with start charging untill signed start meter value is received.

JOET has an open PR:
Put on agenda cloud communication

Action Item:

6 February 2024

  • Action Item: Robert: Put sending signed meter values on Cloud Communication call agenda.
  • LED strip HMI: should this be part of EVerest? Currently seen as a customization on top of EVerest.
  • Where to discuss release, time of releases and pull requests. Use the "Everest" Stream in Zulip. For a call it will be the General and Q&A call.
  • When new multi repo pull requests or larger feather change is coming. Please start a discussion on Zulip and align with the maintainers so we can streamline and plan the work.
  • Agreed with proposed way of working for meeting minutes. Use hackmd for now as note taking tool and store them on the EVerest wiki.
  • Action Item: Piet: Nudge Cornelius for the ISRA Meter, Evgeny is going to work on a pull request this week. 

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