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This is the weekly general LFE EVerest call for all topics not covered by the working groups. 


Meeting Notes:

19 March 2024

  1. New member intros
    Tim Weisenberger and Oscar Marcia from SAE EVPKI initiative joined to introduce themselves.
    SAE executed EV PKI pre-competitive research project from 2020-2022 with several member companies
    -Contracted EONTI and DIGICERT as technical experts for implementation
    Project moved to SAE industry consortium group (506c entity under US law)
    Current members of consortium include: GM, Ford, Tesla,Rivian, Electrify America and Chargepoint
    PKI system is designed to be global, supports ISO15118-2 and -20
    Certificate policy was published in 12/2023 and is available for download:
    More details at:
    For questions contact Tim:
  2. EVerest feature freeze:
    EVerest 2024.3 feature freeze on - expected 2024-03-19
    Starting 2 weeks before the next release with TSC on 2024-03-28
    Branch off a release candidate branch of everest-core (and possibly some libraries depending on the activity)
    Focus a bit more than usual on testing and bugfixing on that branch for the next 2 weeks
    Merging of new features into main will not be affected by this
  3. evlibISO15118 by Roger Bedell:intended to be replacement for EV-side of JOSEV for ISO15118-20
    Was developed by Roger to test implementation of ACDP portion of -20
  4. IoT.Bzh shared
  5. Qwello merged support for ISKRA meters. Chargebyte had support for these meters in its close-source stack in the past.

12 March 2024

  • Shankari introduced Benny and Mayuresh from Idaho National Labs/ChargeX Consortium - working on OCPP Minimum Required Error Codes implementation:
  • ChargeX published Best Practices for EV charging payment systems:
  • New WG chair Janek Metzner (PIONIX), starting 2023-03-19
  • Proposal to delay WG by 30min starting 2023-03-19 approved
  • Discoussion around handling meter transactions:

    • we add signed meter value var to the powermeter
    • the start transaction will return quick, would't wait for real walues
    • we add optional start metr value, to sessionfinished event.
    • the start meter value will be stored in the evsemanager, and published on sessionfinished event
    • no changes to OCPP lib/module at the moment

Action Items:

  • Janek: Update meeting time.
