Versions Compared


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AttributeDescriptionExpected valuesMandatory
namethis identifies the protocol stackiec104client, iec104server, tase2client, tase2server, 61850client, 61850server, etc...Yes
versionversion number of the configuration file2 digits x.y => x = major change, y = minor changeYes
connection.patharray of connection paths

connection.path.srv_ipIP address to remote IEC 104 serverIP addressYes
connection.path.clt_ipclient IP in case of multiple network interfaces server access IP addressNo
connection.path.portport number to remote IEC 104 serverdefault = 2404No
tlsactivation of TLS (see tls configuration chapter for details)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
k_valueMaximum number of outstanding (unacknowledged) APDU's at a given timedefault = 12No
w_valueAcknowledge the reception latest after this number of APDU'sdefault = 8No
t0_timeouttime out of connection establishmentdefault = 10No
t1_timeouttime out for send or test APDU'sdefault = 15No
t2_timeouttime out for acknowledges in case of no data messages (t2 < t1)default = 10No
t3_timeouttime out for sending test framesdefault = 20No
conn_allestablish all paths within one connection at the same time (=TRUE) or only one (=FALSE)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
start_allstart communication on all established paths at the same time (=TRUE) or on only one (=FALSE)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
conn_passvestablish connection even in passive mode (=TRUE) or not (=FALSE)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
orig_sizesize of "Originator Address"0, 1 (byte)No
orig_addrOriginator Addressdefault = 0No
ca_asdu_sizesize of "Common Address of ASDU"default = 2 (byte)No
ioaddr_sizesize of 'Information Object Address'default = 3 (byte)No
startup_timetime to wait for startup completiondefault = 180 (seconds)No

maximum ASDU size in transmission direction, if set to "0" => maximum possible value is automatically used.

default = 0 (byte)No
gi_timetime to wait for General Interrogation (GI) completiondefault = 0 (seconds)No
gi_cyclesend General Interrogation (GI) cyclicallyTRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
gi_all_casend a separate GI request to every CA; otherwise a broadcast GI request is usedTRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
gi_repeat_countrepeat GI for this number of times in case it is incompletedefault = 2No
disc_qualinformation object quality in case of interrupted connectionIV = Invalid, NT = Not Topical, default = NTNo
send_iv_timetime delay before infos are sent as invalid (0 = deactivated)default = 0No
tsivspecifies what to do with a time stamp marked as 'invalid'remove, process, default = removeNo
utc_timeUTC timezone (=TRUE) or local timezone (=FALSE) for time conversionTRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
comm_wttaguse commands with time tag (=TRUE) or without time tag (=FALSE)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
comm_parallelmaximum number of commands to be executed at in parallel (0 = unlimited)default = 0No
exec_cycl_testexecute cyclical test requests (C_TS_NA_1/C_TS_TA_1) in monitoring direction (=TRUE) or not (=FALSE)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
startup_statestartup in active mode (=TRUE) or in passive mode (=FALSE)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo
reverseallow transmission of information objects in reverse direction (=TRUE) or only in standard direction (=FALSE)TRUE, FALSE, default = FALSENo


In redundant network configuration or generally in cases where several communication paths exist between one client and one server, the path checking exploration mechanism allows the client to try all the paths one by one without making any difference between them. The client uses the first available path. On disconnection this procedure starts again from the beginning.

TLS configuration

The CS 104 standard can also be used with TLS to realize secure and authenticated connections.

3 parameters are needed to set up the TLS secured connection:

  • private key file
  • server certificate
  • root certificate (CA)

Fledge's certificate store allows certificates to be stored and used by the south plugins.

IEC 104 exchanged ASDU configuration
