Blog from October, 2021

How to choose the right pedicure tools?

Pedicure - it is not only smooth heels and neat nails, but also neat feet. Now the salon is doing 2 type of pedicure: classic and hardware. But a similar procedure can be done at home. Let's see what pedicure tools are needed for this.

What are the tools for?

Not only your hands, but also your legs should always be in perfect condition. If you do not have enough time to visit beauty salons, then it is worth taking care of footsteps and heels at home. What are needed pedicure tools?

Any nail master in the salon has in his arsenal a sufficient number of tools to make his clients beautiful. All of their instruments are made of high quality medical grade steel. Because the service life of such a material is tens of years. All professional instruments are hand sharpened under a microscope.

Coarser nail files are used for the feet than for the hands. After all, toenails are much thicker than toes. Rough skin on the heels can be removed with a pumice stone or a special file. And if the skin is completely hard in very advanced cases, then you can use a pedicure razor or a razor.

How to choose

All pedicure tools should be not only of high quality, but also as safe as possible for life. A professional craftsman can easily distinguish a good tool from a cheap analogue. And for home users, we have collected a few tips to look out for when choosing:

  1. The tools should lie comfortably in the hand and not cause discomfort when working;
  2. Make sure that they are well sharpened, otherwise factory defects can lead to injuries;
  3. A good tool should not tear the cuticle, but carefully trim it;
  4. Blade a pedicure razor should give a wide view of the treated surface;
  5. Good blades move smoothly without clinging to the skin;
  6. All pedicure tools must be made of solid stainless steel;
  7. The average length of the cutting pliers' blades should be 5-9 mm;
  8. But the size of the forceps depends on the thickness of the nails (there is for thick and thin);
  9. The pumice stone can be easily replaced with a laser cut grater;
  10. You can purchase the entire pedicure set or purchase all instruments separately;
  11. The best pedicure tool kits are Zinger и Staleks.

Secrets of specialists

It is not enough to choose the right tools, it is also important to be able to use them correctly in your work. These life hacks from professionals will greatly simplify your work:

  • store all materials and tools in a dry place, preferably in a special case;
  • after each procedure it is necessary to sterilize each instrument with medical alcohol or acetone;
  • never place the tool with the tip down, so that deformation does not occur, and it would not lose its sharpness;
  • the sharpness must be checked after each use;
  • contact qualified specialists for sharpening;
  • if the tool has springs, then it must be stored uncompressed in order to extend its service life;
  • finger separation correctors can be replaced with cotton pads or balls.

Professional tools

Masters who have been dealing with manicure and pedicure for a long time already have a huge number of devices in their arsenal. After all, different clients come to them, and they must be ready for anything. What professional pedicure tools do they use in the salon?

Pliers, scissors and nippers

Sharp tools are used to trim the length of the nails and to trim the cuticle around the nail. Tweezers save nails from delamination by making the correct cut. It is important to make sure that the scissors and nippers are well sharpened. And when working with them, you need to be as careful as possible. The nippers have a pointed end and are suitable for cutting off cuticles or ingrown nails. They are able to cope with even the thickest and most deformed nail plate.

You can also use a curette for problem nails.


Don't skimp on nail files. If you have the opportunity, you can purchase a complete set, which includes:

  • coarse-grained file with abrasiveness of 100 grit for rough areas of the foot;
  • delicate file of 240 grit for sawing the free edge;
  • soft buff with abrasiveness 320-1500 grit;
  • double-sided file with different types of spraying.

If your toenails are very delicate, then you should take a closer look at a paper or rubberized file. And for extended nails, get tools made of metal or ceramic.


A pusher (scraper) is a scapula that is used in both manicure and pedicure. It can be presented in different sizes and shapes and has two sides. With the help of one side, the cuticle near the nails is easily moved away, and with the help of the other, it is removed. This procedure accelerates the growth of the nail plate.

Removal of hardened skin

What pedicure tools are needed to remove old and rough skin on nails? Graters, pumice stones, brushes, a scraper, and an shaver will work. The porous and rough texture of the pumice stone helps to easily remove excess skin on the legs. But before these, it is necessary to steam the heels and feet well in hot water.An razor does an excellent job with keratinized skin. Its attachments allow you to delicately and painlessly remove skin even in the most neglected cases.


A manicure cutter with a large number of different attachments has a wide range of its capabilities. The tool works on electricity, perfectly corrects the nail shape, removes dead skin on the fingers, removes cuticles, grinds and polishes the nail. With a router, you can forget about a large number of nail files and softeners. This unique tool will easily replace all of the above devices.


This is a special pedicure stand that allows you to place the legs of clients for their convenience and comfortable work of the master. You can lean on a tripod with your feet. It will speed up several times the time of the entire procedure, because with this position of the legs it is easy to get to the most inaccessible areas.

Pedicure bath

A hydromassage bath for a pedicure not only cares for nails, but also relaxes well, bringing indescribable pleasure. In the bath, the skin is usually steamed for clients to make it easier to handle the legs, as well as remove keratinized tissues. It is recommended to add fragrant herbs, a few drops of fragrant oils and other useful components to a special device. After just a few minutes, your legs will be smooth, supple and fragrant.

Home tools

Now let's look at what pedicure tools you need to use at home to make your procedure easier? In order for your heels to be smooth and your fingers well-groomed, we have tried and collected a whole list of necessary tools.

Scissors and tongs

The scissors should always be handled carefully and remember to sterilize them before and after work. The tool works great with any nails, shortening and trimming them. Scissors can be replaced with wire cutters.

Tongs are used to trim the free edge of the nails. If you have the opportunity, it is better to purchase both small and большие tweezers. When working with them, you need to be extremely careful and hold them with your fingers under the lower arm. Remember that your thumb, which is on the back, provides stability during the procedure.

Nippers, pusher and double-sided curette

The pliers have a triangular end with beveled edges. The cutting edge of the nippers has a small radius, but their inner side is quite smooth and well polished. This design allows you to remove cuticles and burrs in just a few seconds, since the tool fits snugly against the skin and cuts off the entire skin efficiently. The wire cutters should be kept at an angle. Do not make too sudden movements so that the skin does not break. It is recommended to purchase two types of tools at once: for nails and for burrs with cuticles.

A pusher is a great tool for pushing back and removing cuticles. It has a scapula on one side and a pointed end on the other. The device is absolutely safe for nails. The double-sided curette has a thin surface and resembles a hook. It does not scratch the skin and nail plate, but it can even get into the most inaccessible places. An excellent tool for working with an ingrown toenail.

Grater and scraper

If you need to remove rough skin at home, you should use a laser grater or pumice stone. They are the ones who fight corns, calluses and keratinized skin. The steamed legs must be sanded with hard textures.

Nowadays, manufacturers are creating a huge number of convenient nail care products. One of them is a grinding machine with replaceable cutters. Such a tool is able to trim plates, remove cuticles and polish nails.

If these methods did not help, then you should take a closer look at the scraper razor. A special machine with a nozzle scrapes dead skin off the heels. But you need to work with such a tool with extreme caution so as not to injure yourself.

Foot bath

Now in stores you can find special devices in which you can lower your feet to steam in them. If you do not want to spend money on this, then you can use a basin at home.

In the baths, calluses are usually steamed, the cuticles are softened and just give the legs a rest. There are various baths with vibration and hydromassage that fight fungus, magnetic radiation and improve blood circulation.

We all need bookmakers, because without them we can not bet. But picking the right online bookmaker is not easy. How would I pick bookmaker if I start today? This is my personal criteria, how would I pick bookmaker.

#1 Most Important: Getting Paid When I Win

Do you know, that there are a lot of bookmakers, who will not pay you if you win? It is unacceptable, but this is our reality. There are a lot of people, who beat bookmakers and they didn’t get their money. This is most important thing for me. If I win, I want that they pay me. No matter, if I stop betting today, they must clear my account and pay me everything. Great bonuses, good odds, variety of bets and other things are not important if they don’t pay you after you win. This is why I am very careful, when I pick bookmaker for myself. I don’t need flashy sites, I don’t need huge bonuses, I don’t need special bets, I don’t need Casino — I want to be sure, that they will pay me. This is the most important thing. After that we can talk about other things. Here is my list of verified bookmakers.

#2 Second Most Important: Limits and Max Wager

Limits and Max Wager are two different things. Do you know, that a lot of bookmakers will limit you, if you start winning? I will say it again: It is unacceptable, but this is our reality. For example, if you start winning and your bets are bigger and bigger, they will just limit you and I know stories from people, who couldn’t bet more than $50, after they started winning. I don’t want to be in this situation. The second thing is max wager. We all believe, that we will start winning and our bets will be bigger and bigger. If you are small bettor, than you probably don’t care about max wager, but if you win more and more and you bankroll grows, you will need bookmakers, which will allow you to bet high stakes.

#3 Third Most Important: Payouts

After I find bookmaker, which will pay me and allow me to bet, I would start looking who has the best odds. 90% of people still don’t understand how important this is. When we bet, we pay something. And the odds are prizes. You can pay for the same thing $110 or you can pay for the same thing $105. What will you do? Would you pay for the same car $500 more? Of curse not. So, why you pay more if you can pay less with good bookmaker? If we take an example of one game. The game is the same for everyone. No matter where you bet, the game and the result of the game is the same for us. But the price is not the same. Because some bookmakers will have better odds and some will have worse odds and you will pay more. So, what is margin? The easiest way to understand margins is this: We have two teams and let’s say, that there is only 2 possible outcomes (win — loss). And let’s say, that they have exactly the same chances to win this game (probability 50% — 50%). So, fair odds would be 2.00 vs 2.00 (Us players +100 vs +100). But they never give us this price. Instead of 2.00 vs 2.00 (+100 vs +100), they will offer something like 1.95 vs 1.95 (-105 vs -105). And those 5 cents are margins and this is what you have to pay more. In reality, if you get 1.95 vs 1.95 is very good. Most bookmakers are not that generous. I would definitely look for bookmakers with reduced juice, low margins, bigger payouts or better odds if you want. When you start betting big money, then you see how important is every single line. If you bet small money on odds of 2.00 or 2.05, you will not see big difference, but if you bet $10.000 on the same odds, then this is $500 of difference.

#4 Fourth Most Important: Good Customer Service

There will always be something with money, with odds, with payments,…and you will need customer service for sure. Always when it comes to our money, we don’t want to wait. I like live chat, so if I have any question, I like that they give the answer as soon as possible. We trust our money to some site and I hate if they don’t answer. Every bookmaker will have some customer service, mostly by email, phone or live chat. I prefer live chat.

#5 Fifth Most Important: Quick and Easy Funding

Most bookmakers will have couple of deposit and withdrawal options and I don’t want to wait too long for my money. This is important especially when they must pay you. Most bookmakers will have quick deposit methods, but when they must pay you, it can take a little bit longer. I know some stories, that people have waited for 1 or even 2 months to get their money. This is not acceptable.

If you are looking for some CS:GO betting tips to up your game, or simply want to know how to make accurate CS:GO betting predictions, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we share five must-know CS:GO betting tips, discuss the best bookmakers out there, and provide you with recourses to make some accurate predictions.

CS:GO betting tips to help you improve

With the exception of some beginner’s luck, no one can simply win time and time again. That’s just the nature of betting but there are ways you can improve. Below, we have five CS:GO betting tips that will help you improve, and by using these tips, you should be able to increase your winnings.

Do CS:GO esports research

Arguably the best of the CS:GO betting tips we can give you is to simply do research. Knowledge is power, which means the more research you do, the more likely you are to win a bet.

At HLTV, we’ve got you covered, with dedicated pages for tournaments, team rankings, stats, match histories, results and more. It is, however, important to always check our front page for the latest news on teams. For example, if a team recently swapped out a player, or brought in a new coach. This could affect their chances of winning their next match, even if the betting site odds look great.

Further, using our detailed odds comparison section will help you choose the best bookmaker to place a bet with. In this section, we also provide detailed analytics which can further help you improve your CS:GO betting experience.

Spot CS:GO betting opportunities

If you pay close attention to all the happenings in the world of CS:GO esports, you can spot some great opportunities. As another one of our top CS:GO betting tips, it is important to always be on the lookout for an advantage.

By using our resources from the odds comparison page in our CS:GO betting section you will be able to spot CS:GO betting opportunities aplenty. These include taking advantage of team roster changes, controversy, new patches released by Valve and taking team form versus ranking into consideration. We’ve got a full guide on spotting CS:GO betting opportunities if you want to learn more.

Know the basics of betting odds

Not understanding how odds provided by bookmakers work can be the downfall of many newbie bettors. For the third of our CS:GO betting tips, we will provide you with a quick rundown of how the most popular betting odds work with two examples.

Decimal odds: Team A has 1.5 odds, while Team B has 2.5 odds. If you bet 10 on team A, you will get back 15 if they win, effectively earning 5 profit. If you bet on team B, however, you will get back 25, effectively earning 15 in the process. The simple mathematical equation for decimal odds is: Bet x Odds = Payout.

Fractional odds: Team A has 5/2 odds, while Team B has 2/5 odds. If you bet 10 on Team A, you will get 25 if they win. If you bet 10 on Team B and they win, however, you will only get 4. The mathematical equation for fractional odds to calculate potential winnings is (10 * first number) divided by the second number. As per our example of Team A’s odds, this equates to (10 * 5) / 2.

For more in-depth explanations about CS:GO betting odds, as well as complicated topics such as implied probability, visit our Odds Comparison section.

Avoid tilting at all cost

Tilting is a slang term that originated in poker, where a player, after taking a few losses, becomes frustrated, confused, or simply angry. When you tilt, you make rash decisions, which you should avoid at all costs when making CS:GO esports bets. Even the most accurate CS:GO betting experts can tilt, subsequently going on a losing streak due to poor, unresearched bets as well as emotional decisions.

Therefore, one of the best CS:GO betting tips we can give you when you feel you are tilting is to stop, take a breather, and come back the next day. Then, you can continue to bet making rational choices regarding your CS:GO match predictions, instead of just throwing your budget down the drain. Winners know when to stop, and when to come back to try again.

Try live betting on CS:GO matches

Live betting on CS:GO matches is one of the most exciting aspects to test out. The best bookmakers offer live betting options, allowing bettors to first start watching a match and hear the commentary of analysis desk information before placing their bets.

The odds on live betting always change during a match. It all depends on how the match is going for a specific team. With live betting, you can take advantage of great odds, and it makes CS:GO match predictions easier as you are right in the action. We recommend watching a stream of the match you are betting on to get the most out of the experience.

How to choose a good site for CS:GO betting

Another important tip for those who are just starting their CS:GO betting journey is to find the best betting sites out there which meets all your needs.

If you want to know where to place your CS:GO bets, the table below showcases our top picks, with a variety of options to choose from. These bookmakers have been handpicked with great care, taking tonnes of details into consideration. Find the bookmaker to call your new home below.

Margin applies to various matches and certain pre-match markets only within those matches. Exact margin subject to fluctuation around 0%. Matches at 0% margin will be specifically highlighted on the website and mobile.

Bonus percent: 100%; Minimal activation deposit: 10 euro or equivalent; Applies to deposit: first deposit only; Currencies: EUR, USD, RUB, PHP, UAH, BRL, BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC; Bets type for rollover: Single and Combo bets; Roll over type: Real + bonus (proportionally); Roll over multiplier: x10; Maximum bonus amount: 200 euro or equivalent; Mininmal odd per bet: 1.79; Maximum transfer: 200 euro or equivalent; Valid days: 15

The bonus will be credited to your account automatically after the deposit is made (but should not exceed 130€). A customer is entitled to only one bonus. The minimum required deposit to activate the bonus is 1€. Wager 5 times the bonus amount in accumulator bets. Each accumulator bet must contain 3 or more events. At least 3 of the events included in an accumulator must have odds of 1.40 or higher. The bonus must be used within 30 days of registration. After 30 days the bonus and all winnings made on the bonus will be revoked.

Looking for even more details on the best sites for CS:GO betting? Check out our full, dedicated bookmaker section, which includes expert reviews, promo codes and additional, must-known details.

How to join a good CS:GO betting site

After you’ve found a bookmaker which suits your needs, sign up and deposit some money. Go through the required steps filling out all the information required and start exploring. It is really as simple as that but we do recommend you do some research before placing your first bet, as mentioned in our very first CS:GO betting tip.

Each bookmaker will have a variety of matches to bet on. Pick a team to win, make your wager, and you’ve successfully completed your first bet. You can bet on a plethora of CS:GO matches, each with its own special bet options. We have a dedicated page on how to join a good site and bet on CS:GO matches, answering every question you will likely have.

CS:GO betting predictions: How to make accurate choices

Making CS:GO betting predictions can be difficult. While upsets happen in CS:GO esports tournaments, and really any other competitive sport or esports title, you can lower the chances of losing by making correct CS:GO match predictions.

To make your CS:GO betting predictions, you need to take different factors of a match into consideration. Below, we will discuss the top three factors you need to research before making a prediction on a CS:GO match.

Team form vs team ranking

The current team form is an extremely important part of figuring out which team will win. In short, the team with the better form, including recent match performances, could likely win a match against higher-ranked opponents.

Team A has a higher ranking, which also means bookmakers will likely favour Team A over Team B, giving you better odds for betting on Team B. However, Team B has a higher form rating. Betting on Team B will, therefore, give you a good chance of winning, and more money if you do.

Sometimes, bookmakers don’t take team form into account. If you do, you can get ahead of the competition by making some great CS:GO betting predictions by looking at the current team form going into a match.

Head-to-head opportunities

History repeats itself, right? Despite a team’s form or ranking, some CS:GO teams just have a mental advantage over another team. This generally happens with teams who play in the same region and have faced each other multiple times, with one team coming out on top more often than not.

By doing research, you can find these little nuggets of information that could make your CS:GO betting predictions all the more accurate. We suggest sticking to a particular league or region and learning the match history of all teams involved. Our statistic page should make this expedition quite easy, allowing you to make informed predictions.

Map pools and history

Not all CS:GO teams perform equally well on every competitive map. With seven maps in the Competitive Map Pool, some teams focus on becoming great at certain maps, while other maps can be considered a weakness. To make accurate CS:GO betting predictions, you will need to use live betting since the map choices of teams will only become available as the match starts up.

It is important to check which maps a team has a winning streak on. For example, if Team A is on a four-match winning streak on Inferno, and Team B fails to veto it out, Team A will likely have one map in the bag for a standard best-of-three. This CS:GO betting prediction tip also goes the other way, for example, when two of a team’s statically poor maps get through the pre-match veto, that team will likely lose a best-of-three match.

Keep in mind bookmakers also provide opportunities to bet on specific map results, which you can take advantage of using your research. You can find all the relevant information on form, team statistics, map history and much more by heading to our odds comparison page and clicking on the CS:GO match you plan to bet on.

Want even more CS:GO betting tips & tricks?

At HLTV we have a massive betting section filled with guides, so if you are looking for even more CS:GO betting tips and tricks to make excellent predictions, we’ve got you covered.

You can head on over to the bookmakers page to get detailed information on all the best CS:GO gambling sites. Then, there’s our Odds Comparison to take advantage of. Further, our full guides section will answer each and every question both beginners and advanced bettors might have.