Let's Coordinate is an example of operational implementation of OperatorFabric..
Main goal
Let’s Coordinate goal is to support the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Coordinations Centers Operators (RSCs) to manage their duties.
Monitoring of processes
Today, in electricity high voltage sector, there are so many processes to manage at the same time and it's very difficult for operators to monitor all of them correctly and in a seine way.
But Let's Coordinate is here to help them : it works as an assistant for TSOs and RSCs operators, helping them to receive notifications only when relevant and saving time for other activities.
Enhance interactions among operators
This application will enhance the operational communication and coordination between TSOs and RSCs.
Indeed, operators will be able to exchange operational information using this application.
For specific situations, it will be possible to coordinate among different TSOs about the same issue to find the best economic and efficient solution.
An application different for each of them
This application is customizable by each user to adapt the information to receive inside the tool depending on its position in the company.
October 1, 2020 : Release 1 is published and now ?
Let’s Coordinate will evolve in the upcoming months to enhance the user experience and to support other TSO/RSC services and their correlated business needs.
These videos explain & demonstrate Let's Coordinate :
Technical Information
- Code repository on GitHub
- Documentation via Github.io, including function, technical and user documentation
- Getting Started documentation on the Documentation page
- Implementation Guide documentation on the Documentation page
- User Manual documentation on the Documentation page
- GitHub issues for issues tracking
- Mailing list
- Regular meetings
- LinkedIn account of Let's Coordinate