Versions Compared


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  •  TODO


The compilation and installation of the Yocto version of SEAPATH is entirely described on the GitHub repository seapath/yocto-bsp.

Debian Installer

To install the cluster, you need to generate an ISO, based on Debian 11, for each host with this repository here.


See the below section for more details on the configuration file.


In the configuration file, you must define these variables:


However, all host will be with the same IP address.


When the host is installed, the ansible/playbooks/cluster_setup_prerequisdebian.yaml need to launch to finish the installation.

The inventory must define these variables to run the playbook:

  • apply_network_config: Boolean to apply the network configuration

  • admin_ip_addr: IP address for SNMP

  • cpumachinesnort: Range of allowed CPUs for no RT machines

  • cpumachines: Range of allowed CPUs for machines (RT and no RT)

  • cpumachinesrt: Range of allowed CPUs for RT machines

  • cpuovs: Range of allowed CPUs for OpenVSwitch

  • cpusystem: Range of allowed CPUs for the system

  • cpuuser: Range of allowed CPUs for the user

  • irqmask: Set the IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS environment variable, see irqbalance manual
  • logstash_server_ip: IP address for logstash-seapath alias in /etc/hosts

  • main_disk: Main disk device to observe his temperature

  • workqueuemask: The negation of the irqmask (= ~irqmask)

In this part, the playbook define the scheduling and the prioritization (see the section).


The disk is composed:

  1. (If the installation is in UEFI) EFI partition in /boot/efi with VFAT filesystem (512 MB).
  2. Boot partition in /boot with ext4 filesystem (500 B).
  3. Main partition with LVM configuration (30 GB). This partition is divided into 3 parts:
    1. Root partition in / with ext4 filesystem (7 GB).
    2. Log partition in /var/log with ext4 filesystem (1 GB).
    3. Swap partition (500 B).

This can be changed in the build_debian_iso/srv_fai_config/disk_config/ directory. There is always 2 versions (one in Legacy BIOS and an other in UEFI mode with the suffix "_EFI").

Virtual cluster

On the host, you must set these sysctl settings:

Code Block
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0

You must define 3 network interfaces on each host of your cluster.
