OpenSCD is used as a upstream dependency for CoMPAS. The major difference is that CoMPAS provides back-end services. OpenSCD is purely browser based.

OpenSCD product vision (DRAFT)

For utility/integrator/vendor companies

Who want to have flexibility, agility and efficiency in their SCL configurations


is a IEC 61850 SCL configuration tool

That offers a front-end, open source, extensible, customizable, user friendly, SCL editing

Unlike proprietary, vendor specific, desktop oriented, limited integration options, not user friendly tools 

Our product allow offline editing using web-browsers gives flexibility, control over your own roadmap, prevent a vendor-lock-in and uses the power of open source, modern technologies to help the energy transition.

Goal: System configuration tool (touch every SCL element)


The OpenSCD project started by Omicron Electronics and contains contributions from Alliander, Transpower and more. It currently has no project charter like CoMPAS does.

(DanM: How heavy do we want this to be? We could also look at something like the Contributor Covenant, Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines, the Rust Language Code of Conduct, and the FreeBSD Community Code of Conduct)

(DanM: I'd like to see a way to finance and fund OpenSCD, starting by a Patreon or OpenCollective account, for example. I shall donate $30/month!)

OpenSCD governance structure (DRAFT)

In order to be more clear on the roles and responsibilities in OpenSCD, a governance setup is needed. This becomes more urgent with the move towards OpenSCD-core.

Organisation level governance idea

Administrative rights for the organisation have been with Jakob Vogelsang and Christian Dinkel from when the OpenSCD project was first published by OMICRON in 2020. As more parties have taken an interest in the project since then, we could set up something analogous to a technical steering committee with a representative from each contributing party (Alliander, OMICRON, TransPower, and others as they join) who meet monthly to make overarching organisation-wide decisions, appoint maintainers for individual repositories, and adopt new repositories into the organisation and who are given administrative rights for the GitHub @openscd  organisation. Jakob and Christian would like to know what the other parties involved think of this idea.

Maintainer (Plugin Project Lead?):

Ultimate authority on a specific OpenSCD plugin. The maintainer is trusted to make decisions for a specific set of functionality bundled within a plugin.

The maintainer's responsibilities include:

Open Questions:

Name suggestions

oscd-sclJakob, Daniel