LF Energy Community Collaboration Tools

LF Energy maintains a number of tools to enable collaboration amongst community participants. To help navigate these tools, this document provides a brief outline of how to use them and best practices.


LF Energy hosts a Slack organization, which can be joined using the Slack Invite Link. Slack serves as the main communication platform for the LF Energy community outside of the mailing lists. It’s important that conversations stays on topic in each channel, and that everyone abides by the Code of Conduct. There are thousands of members who should all expect to have a positive experience.

Chat is searchable and public. Do not make comments that you would not say on a video recording or in another public space. Please be courteous to others.

Slack also maintains some best practice etiquette, which has some great basic usage tips and other recommendations to best collaborate and communicate with others.

DM (Direct Message) Conversations

Please do not engage in proprietary company specific conversations in the LF Energy Slack instance. This workspace is meant for conversations related to LF Energy topics and community. Proprietary conversations should occur in your company Slack and/or communication platforms. As with all communication, please be mindful of appropriateness, professionalism, and applicability to the LF Energy community.

Specific Channel Rules

Some channels have specific rules or guidelines. If they do, they will be listed in the purpose or pinned docs of that channel.

Escalating and/or Reporting a Problem

If you encounter an issue using the LF Energy Slack, please contact the LF Energy Program Manager.

Requesting a Channel

To add a channel, please submit a request.

Some general guidelines on new channels...

Mailing lists

LF Energy maintains a number of mailing lists for the foundation itself, it's members, and the community at large. These mailing lists are hosted at groups.io and managed by the Linux Foundation staff and LF Energy community leadership.

Key mailing lists

The primary mailing list for all technical community discussion is tac@lists.lfenergy.org. Each hosted project and working group has it's own mailing list as well.

Moderation and Moderation Guidelines

By default, TAC voting members serve as the moderator for discussions in tac@lists.lfenergy.org, and each hosted project's TSC will serve as moderator for it's mailing lists. Moderation privileges can be extended to others upon a vote by the TAC or respective TSC as applicable.

Being a moderator is as much a privilege as it is a duty. As part of volunteering to become a moderator you are now a representative of the LF Energy community, and it is your responsibility to remain aware of your contributions in this space. These responsibilities apply to all official LF Energy channels.

Moderators MUST:

Moderators SHOULD:

Mailing list best practices


You can stay subscribed to the meetings of the projects and committees of LF Energy by subscribing to the coordinating mailing list. Each mailing list has a calendar which you can subscribe to with your calendar client of choice.

By default, the following permissions apply to calendars:

If you are running into an issue with calendar events, please submit a request and the LF Staff can help.

Meeting management using LF Energy Calendar

By default, any TSC or TAC chairperson has the ability to schedule community meetings on the LF Energy-tac calendar or a project specific calendar, respectively.

Create a new meeting

Update a meeting

The meeting update will be reflected in the meeting subscription with the next automatic update.

Cancel/Delete a Meeting

The meeting update will be reflected in the meeting subscription with the next automatic update.

Calendar guidance

To help individuals to not be inundated with calendar overload, try to follow these guidelines:

Subscribing to calendars

Instructions for subscribing to an iCal calendar for popular calendaring tools:

Calendar management best practices