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(Smart) meterImage Modified
Smart Metering
Device Management

Distribution automationImage Modified

Distribution Automation

Smart lightingImage Modified

Public Lighting

LoadmanagmentImage Modified

Load Management

Microgrid logoImage Modified


Smart Metering

The smart metering domain covers the functions to read smart meters with the DLMS/COSEM protocol. GXF can handle millions of smart meters. The smart metering domain could be a key component in a head end solution.

Features include:

  • Reading actual/periodic usage and smart meter alarms and events

  • Adding and removing smart meters

  • Replacing security keys

  • Synchronize time

  • Wake-up sms option

  • High Level Security (HLS) 3/4/5 that uses

  • Support for an external encryption server

Take a look at the developer documentation for all the details.

Distribution Automation

More renewable energy in the grids lead to more diverse electricity flows. To monitor these flows, DNO and DSO companies are installing more sensors to keep track of the electricity (flows). Problems which may occur with a lot of decentralized renewable energy are power quality issues and congestion for example.

GXF  can be a part of the IT/OT solutions for distribution automation.  GXF distribution automation domain will be an addition to existing SCADA systems to get other data witch are not available via classic SCADA systems. Think of switching times, high frequency measurements (comtrade files) etc.

Technical information can be found in the documentation.

Distribution automation proof of concept.

Public Lighting

The smart lightning domain is the most mature GXF domain. This domain is build to control large scale public lighting.


By combining valuable energy related insights with the users needs and ambitions a micro grid will help you towards a more efficient and sustainable energy system.

More technical information can be found in this presentation.